Tuesday, April 05, 2011


So folks, I have one more 3d project due in this last semester of my education, and it's more or less open! I thought it might be fun to open it up to the internet, and take suggestions from you folks. The idea is that I'll be coming up with a escaped lab creature, a hybrid of at least three animals (more than five or six will probably get too muddled). Comment with your picks, and I'll pick my favorite combo and design it!

Here's a WIP of my next piece, a view of the streets of a city at the top of the beanstalk.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Been meaning to share this here :)

Spell effect concepts for summoning a Black Dog (or my take on that myth).
Derpy sketchbook gecko for good measure :)
More later, I've got a load of things needing to be arranged and posted :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Painting demo

http://vimeo.com/19920096 :)

There are still things to futz with, of course, but I hope you enjoy anyhow!